If you’ve talked to either of our attorneys for more than about five minutes, they have probably talked to you about Collaborative Divorce. We are seriously passionate about this growing trend in resolving divorce cases openly and transparently, through a series of meetings in a team-based setting.
We truly feel Collaborative Divorce is the best way to handle a divorce, both for the divorcing couple and the attorneys. The evidence – both statistical and anecdotal – is stacking up. In order to help spread Collaborative Divorce to more families going through this difficult transition, both of our attorneys have taken leadership positions in 2018 in the Collaborative Practice Institute of Michigan (CPIM, http://www.collaborativepracticemi.org/).
Carlo Martina will be serving as the President of CPIM, and Peter Bissett will have a seat on its Board. Through these positions, our attorneys hope to further develop Collaborative Practice here in our State. We will work to spread the word about the advantages of divorcing in a way that allows the couple to own both the process and the results.
While we work to propagate Collaborative Divorce on a structural level, we will continue to serve our individual Collaborative Divorce clients and will always be looking for new ones. If a divorce process that is amicable and respectful sounds better than one that is combative and litigious, a Collaborative Divorce could be right for you.
We have more information about Collaborative Divorce here on our website: https://www.martinalaw.com/michigan-collaborative-divorce/. If it sounds like a process you would be interested in, give us a call at (734) 254-1140 to schedule an initial consultation.