At Carlo J. Martina P.C., our Livonia divorce attorneys provide each client with creative, competent, goal orientated representation in the resolution of their family law issues. Our Livonia divorce attorneys seek to protect your legal rights and secure your legitimate objectives, while minimizing the trauma that the process can otherwise have on you.
Some divorce cases are relatively simple, such as when the marriage is very short, there are no minor children or accumulation of assets, and there are no special considerations such as allegations of abuse or severe illness. Others are more complex and may involve a unique set of issues regarding the division of marital property, including investments and businesses, retirement benefits, marital debts, spousal support and issues pertaining to custody and parenting time… Michigan Divorce Information
Filing for divorce in Michigan generates many questions for those seeking divorce. There are lots of rumors and misconceptions about the divorce process that give people false hope or unnecessary despair. In this article, we continue to answer some of the most common questions fielded at our Michigan family law office. If you don’t find an answer here to your question about Michigan divorces, please see our previous article on answers to Common Questions when Filing for Divorce in Michigan.